Butterflies: Interesting Facts - You Didn't Know About This

29.12.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Peru and the Indian state of Sikkim are considered to be the richest in the diversity of butterfly species.

Interesting facts about butterflies

The largest: butterflies belong to one of the largest groups of insects - Lepidoptera.

More than 150,000 species: There are about 165,000 known species of butterflies on Earth, and they vary not only in shape, but also in color.

Daytime butterflies originated about 101.4 million years ago in western North or Central America.

From here they settled throughout the world, most recently colonizing Europe.


How long do butterflies live on average

Most butterflies spend the entire winter in the pupal state - a special stage of development during which the larva transforms into an adult - imago.

The doll's tissues protect it from low temperatures.

They can be found in the upper layers of the soil or under the bark of old fallen trees.

In a full cycle from several weeks to several months. In the Imago stage from several days to 2-3 weeks.

Some Imago even live up to several months.

The lifespan of any animal, not just a butterfly, cannot be measured in advance; everything is very individual.

Where do butterflies go for the winter

They hide in the forest floor, under the bark of trees, in the cracks of outbuildings, and in attics.

By folding their wings, insects enter a state of diapause, their life processes slow down.

Previously, we talked about interesting facts about fireflies.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Interesting facts about butterflies
  2. How long do butterflies live on average
  3. Where do butterflies go for the winter