Chained guard dogs: Learn more about pets

15.09.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Nowadays, most dog owners treat their pets well, and even the thought of chaining your dog almost for life seems terrifying to them.

Meanwhile, people used to chain their guard dogs for many centuries - it was seen as something essential and normal back then.

Let's find out more about this outdated and cruel practice.


Chaining a guard dog helped keep them in one place and made it easier to protect a specific area, like a property or a building. 

This way, the dog couldn't wander off and leave the area unprotected.

chained shepard


Chaining a guard dog also made it easier for the owner or handler to control the dog. 

It ensured that the dog wouldn't accidentally attack the wrong person or become a danger to others.


Seeing a big, chained-up guard dog could discourage intruders or trespassers from entering a property because they knew the dog could potentially be aggressive and protective.

It's pretty cruel to do it these days

Chaining dogs for extended periods can be harmful and cruel. Dogs need exercise, social interaction, and a comfortable living environment. 

Nowadays, there is a greater emphasis on humane ways of training and using guard dogs, such as providing proper training, socialization, and care without keeping them chained up all the time. 

Chaining dogs for long periods is generally considered outdated and inhumane.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Security
  2. Control
  3. Deterrent
  4. It's pretty cruel to do it these days

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