Dachshund: Breed Features

20.11.2023 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Dachshunds are very smart and quick-witted, one might say intelligent dogs.

Breed Features

They are infinitely loyal to their master and his family.

This pet needs constant attention; it is important for him to be on the move - to play, jump, bite, catch up with something or someone.

They get along with children if they treat them well, but are a little difficult to train.

The main feature of the dachshund is that it can be different - depending on what its owner needs.


Who is the dachshund suitable for

The dachshund is ideal for young people as a companion on long walks and travels.

Due to its compact size, it is easy to transport, can be put in a backpack, and in general, these are sociable companions.

At the same time, dachshunds deftly adapt to the rhythm of life of older people - provided there is sufficient physical activity.

Why can't you drive a dachshund with a harness

A harness provokes the appearance of turned-out (loose) elbows, and this, in turn, is very harmful to the dog’s health.

The harness provokes the dog to constantly stretch its neck, which is especially harmful for young Dachshunds.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Breed Features
  2. Who is the dachshund suitable for
  3. Why can't you drive a dachshund with a harness