Currently, the impacts of climate change include severe droughts, water shortages, severe fires, sea level rise, floods, melting polar ice caps, catastrophic storms and loss of biodiversity, among others.
Climate change is the observed and projected long-term changes in average climate, as well as climate variability, caused by human activity, including such anomalies as droughts, severe storms and floods. The climate is changing and it's happening right now.
Climate change leads to the overgrowth of open meadows and marshes with reeds and trees and shrubs, rivers and lakes are also overgrown, and the expansion of invasive alien species of animals and plants is expanding, which are crowding out native species.
New research published in CABI Reviews suggests that the impact of climate change on animals will be "multifaceted" with a "cascading effect" across five areas of well-being, including nutrition, environment, behaviour, physical and mental health.