Good to Know: Signs of Dementia in a Dog

31.08.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Experts aren't sure how many pets have dementia. According to one study, 14 to 35 percent of the domestic dog population is 8 years of age or older.

Why do dogs get dementia

In recent years, veterinarians have noted an increase in the incidence of senile dementia in dogs.

This is primarily due to the fact that more and more animals live up to 12-15 years, and sometimes even to an even more advanced age.

How to know if a dog has dementia

Dementia in dogs is called Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CCDS). It may be more difficult to detect than cognitive decline in a person who speaks and writes.

However, there are clear signs to look out for.


Confusion and disorientation, howling or barking for no apparent reason, feeling lost in familiar surroundings, and puddles on the carpet can all be signs of dementia in older dogs.

However, these symptoms may indicate other conditions as well. It is important to discuss the first signs of dementia with your veterinarian.

Can't find a way out of a room or gets stuck behind furniture. Looks lost in the yard or forgets the purpose of going outside. Does not recognize familiar people and dogs. Stops responding to calls and voice commands.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do dogs get dementia
  2. How to know if a dog has dementia