How to cope with the death of a pet, according to psychologists

26.06.2024 04:00

The death of a beloved pet is always a huge emotional shock.

Why does it hurt so much to lose a pet

Losing a pet can cause a feeling of the end of the world and real grief in a person.

This is due to the fact that most people consider animals to be full members of their family.

Sometimes people consider their pets closer than other people.

Therefore, it is completely normal to feel grief in such a situation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to cope with the death of a pet

If it's important to you to validate your grief, find people who can share it with you.

Share your feelings and emotions with your loved ones.

If there are no animal lovers among your social circle, you can seek help from a psychologist or on forums with other people.

On the Internet you can find those who live the same life as you.

This way you will feel that you are not alone and that you are understood.

You can also find a support group in your area for people who have lost their beloved pets.

There you will have the opportunity to share your experiences and receive support.

In addition, to alleviate your condition, you can create some kind of memorial in honor of your pet.

For example, you can keep a food bowl or collar, paint a picture, or do some embroidery.

If you, on the other hand, cannot deal with reminders of your pet, ask your friends or relatives to pick up these things.

Previously, we talked about the best fireworks calmers for animals.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why does it hurt so much to lose a pet
  2. How to cope with the death of a pet