How to pet a dog correctly: here's what you need to do to make your pet happy

22.03.2024 04:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

For safety, it is important to know how to pet animals correctly.

In this article, we will tell you where you can and cannot pet dogs.

How to pet a dog correctly

Dog handlers warn that you should not pet an unfamiliar dog on the head, especially between the ears; it is better to pet the dog on the side of the neck or under the chin.

The fact is that many animals do not like touching their senses and belly.

Therefore, they can get scared and even bite a person.


This is due to the fact that these are unprotected parts of the pets' body, they may feel unsafe.

How to understand that a dog likes being petted

You should stroke her chest, shoulders, or base of her neck first, instead of rubbing your hand over the top of her head.

The first strokes should be slow and a bit like a light massage.

Avoid the area at the base of the tail and the back of the neck.

Slowly move your palm from head to tail in a circular motion.

Do this carefully and avoid putting pressure, especially on your lower back and spine.

If you understand that the pet is happy with everything, you can increase the pressure.

Smiling, lying down for belly rubs, and looking relaxed with his eyes closed are some of the obvious signs that our dog loves to be petted.

Previously, we talked about why dogs growl while eating.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to pet a dog correctly
  2. How to understand that a dog likes being petted