Important to Know: In Which Dog Breeds Diseases Are More Common

13.05.2024 21:21

Genetic diseases are closely related to inbreeding and linebreeding, that is, the crossing of related dogs.

In addition, these genes are fixed in the population, since selection is often not based on health, but on the external signs of the beauty of the breed.

How long do dogs live in good conditions

How the breed and lifestyle of a dog affects life expectancy.

In addition to the health status and conditions in which the pet lives, its breed and lifestyle play a role.

On average, dogs live 10-12 years.


This is an approximate value that consists of the general indicators of all breeds and causes of death of animals.

What breeds of dogs get sick more often

These include wire-haired and smooth-haired dachshunds, basset hounds, English and French bulldogs, Pekingese, corgis, and cocker spaniels.

Also often affected are hounds, representatives of large and tall breeds: Great Danes, St. Bernards, mastiffs, Rottweilers.

English bulldogs are more likely than other dogs to suffer from diseases of the skin, eyes and respiratory tract.

Pugs have a higher risk of developing 23 of the forty common canine diseases.

They are 54 times more likely to have breathing problems.

They are 51 times more likely to have narrowed nostrils, 13 times more likely to have eye ulcers, 11 times more likely to have skin fold infections, and so on.

Previously we talked about the differences between cats and dogs.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How long do dogs live in good conditions
  2. What breeds of dogs get sick more often