Interesting Facts: How Man Domesticated Dogs

28.08.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

From an early age, puppies are attracted to human faces. Although dogs are just as cooperative as wolves, they tend to obey humans and follow our directions, while wolves are bolder and more likely to lead when cooperating with humans.

When a man tamed a dog

It is authentically known that the friendship between humans and dogs lasts for more than 15,000 years.

But recently, archaeologists found a wolf paw print next to the foot of a Paleolithic child in a French Chauvet cave, suggesting animal domestication began more than 30,000 years ago.

Why did people domesticate the dog

The dog was the first pet of man. The dog could protect from enemies, some predatory animals, helped during the hunt.

Wild animals were attracted by the smell of food, and they constantly approached dwellings in search of food.


People caught wolves, took their puppies from the den, tamed them, taught them not to show aggression towards humans. Most likely, this is how the idea of breeding domestic dogs was born.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When a man tamed a dog
  2. Why did people domesticate the dog

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