Dogs are amazing animals that amaze with their intelligence. In the article we will talk about the features of thinking in animals.
Dogs do not have abstract thinking, so do not be surprised at the absence of such concepts as conscience, morality, good and evil in a pet. Dogs don't know how to feel guilty. Their reaction, outwardly resembling this emotion, is nothing more than signals of reconciliation.
They are good at remembering faces and always recognize the face of their family member. They also think about games, about food, but still their main thoughts are devoted to the person and their flock. They experience the full range of "natural emotions": fear, pain, joy, affection, boredom, love. The latter, of course, refers to the hosts.
In a study published in the journal Psychology Today, scientists found that dogs exhibited the same creativity as bottlenose dolphins, toothy dolphins and killer whales, and that there were individual differences in dogs' fluency, flexibility, and originality of behavior.