Interesting Facts: What Pigs Can Do

08.08.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


Pig Although many consider pigs to be dirty, lazy and not very smart, the truth is that these animals not only prefer to be active and clean, but also have high intelligence. Pigs solve mazes, show emotions, and also understand symbolic language.

What Can Pigs Do

Omnivorousness distinguishes them from most other modern ungulates. Pigs are excellent swimmers. Pigs wallow in mud not because they are sluts, but for the exact opposite reason. In this way, animals fight parasites living on their skin - when the dirt dries, it falls off along with harmful insects.

Their level of intelligence is comparable to that of dogs and cats. Moreover, by performing certain tasks, pigs confirm that they are superior in mental abilities to cats and dogs. They quickly understand the principle of the mirror and are happy to examine their reflection.

A new study published in the journal Animal Cognition this month shows that pigs, too, use a "triple contact" strategy to resolve conflicts within their groups.

How do pigs see

Vision is the worst developed in domestic pigs. Animals almost do not distinguish between blue, green, yellow and red colors, they hardly perceive only white and black. Pigs have good hearing and differentiate its various tonality.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What Can Pigs Do
  2. How do pigs see

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