Nature is amazing: Animals that change color in winter

13.01.2024 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Different animals have different curious adaptations that help them survive in harsh conditions.

One of the most curious adaptations is when animals change their color in winter z- they usually become white or gray.

Here are a few examples of animals that can do that.

Arctic fox

During the cold winter months, the Arctic fox's fur changes from brown or gray to white. 

This transformation allows it to camouflage in the snowy landscape, making it harder for other animals to spot them.



The ptarmigan is a bird that alters its color in winter. In the summer, its feathers are brown to match the ground and rocks. 

However, when winter arrives, its feathers turn white to blend in with the snow. 

This white plumage helps the ptarmigan stay concealed from predators like foxes and owls.

Snowshoe hare

The snowshoe hare also changes its fur color with the seasons. 

In the summer, its fur is brown to match the forest floor. 

However, when winter comes, its fur turns white to blend in with the snow-covered surroundings. 

This adaptation allows the snowshoe hare to remain unnoticed by predators.

Previously, we talked about giraffes.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Arctic fox
  2. Ptarmigan
  3. Snowshoe hare