Scratching Cat Problem: Pet Owner's Tips

15.12.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Some cats tend to scratch a lot - they can damage some items in your house, or even attack you.

There are multiple reasons for this behavior, and if you can't identify one, then you have to deal with the consequences.

Here are a few things you can do to prevent your cat from scratching.

Stay Calm

It's essential to remain calm and avoid reacting strongly. 

Sudden movements or loud noises may startle your cat further.


Clean the Wound

Wash the scratched area gently with soap and water to reduce the risk of infection. 

Pat it dry with a clean cloth.

Apply an Antiseptic

Use a mild antiseptic or antibiotic ointment on the scratch to prevent infection. 

Consult with a healthcare professional if the scratch appears deep or shows signs of infection.

Avoid Punishment

Refrain from punishing your cat. 

Cats may scratch as a form of communication or play, and punishment can lead to fear and aggression.

Provide Enrichment

Ensure your cat has enough mental and physical stimulation. 

Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, and providing scratching posts or pads can redirect their behavior.

Trim Your Cat's Nails

Regular nail trimming can reduce the risk of scratches. 

Use proper cat nail clippers and consult your vet for guidance.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Reinforce positive behaviors with treats and praise when your cat uses scratching posts instead of inappropriate surfaces.

Consider Soft Nail Caps

Soft nail caps, applied by a veterinarian, can cover your cat's claws temporarily, minimizing the impact of scratches.

Previously, we talked about cheetahs.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Stay Calm
  2. Clean the Wound
  3. Apply an Antiseptic
  4. Avoid Punishment
  5. Provide Enrichment
  6. Trim Your Cat's Nails
  7. Use Positive Reinforcement
  8. Consider Soft Nail Caps

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