Spiders: Interesting Facts

06.09.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

An important fact is that spiders regulate the number of insects living in people's homes.

The role of spiders in the extermination of the malarial mosquito is especially great.

Which spider is the smartest

Jumping spiders.

With the sharpest eyesight and the most impressive intelligence, jumping spiders belong to the genus Portia, found in Africa, Asia and Australia.

Spiders are dreaming

Observations of young jumping spiders have shown behavior similar to REM sleep, which in humans is associated with vivid dreams.


Scientists believe that these spiders can actually dream. In stages similar to REM sleep, spiders exhibit specific eye movements reminiscent of the eye movements that occur during human sleep.

Researchers are currently investigating whether these creatures with high visual memory are assisted by dreams as a way of processing everyday information.

How long do spiders live on average

On average, the life span of spiders is about a year, but some of them live much longer.

So, females of the Mexican red-knee tarantula (Brachypelma smithi) sometimes live up to 25 years.

What are spiders afraid of

The smell of mint will scare away spiders from their already familiar habitat.

In addition to mint, you can take eucalyptus or tea tree.

Helps to cope with arthropods vinegar solution. Water and table vinegar should be taken in a one to one ratio.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Which spider is the smartest
  2. Spiders are dreaming
  3. How long do spiders live on average
  4. What are spiders afraid of

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