Cats often suddenly start running around the house from one room to another.
What could be the reason for this behavior of the animal and is it normal or is it?
This may be due to the nature of the predator. If your pet doesn’t move much and is often left alone, most likely the cat doesn’t have enough entertainment.
The pet suddenly starts running to release energy and attract your attention.
It can also be a game of hunting. Therefore, cats often run around the house, climb onto high surfaces, start jumping and looking for prey.
If you have one cat, try to spend time together, play with your pet, and pay a lot of attention.
Buy special toys, as this is very beneficial for your pet's mood.
Remember to take your pet to the vet if your pet's behavior has changed significantly.
Strange behavior is usually associated with a cat's wild side.
Nevertheless, sometimes, this may be a sign of some discomfort in the animal.
Previously, we told you how to understand that your dog is happy with you.