You Didn't Know It: What Your Cat's Behavior Says

03.07.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Cats are interesting and unusual animals. However, their signals are not so easy to understand.

How does a cat show trust

Cats are masters of communication through their bodies. If the cat raised its front paw and became alert, it means that it saw something curious, but does not want to betray its presence with an unnecessary movement. If the cat lay on its back, showing its belly - this is a sign of trust in the present animal or person.

How to understand that a cat needs attention

And despite the fact that your pet has its own unique character, all cats require attention in a similar way. Signs of attracting attention are familiar to all cat lovers: for example, she lies on her back, as if inviting you to stroke her tummy, or gently moves her paws, releasing her claws, when she sits in your hands.

How the cat says I love you

If a cat rubs its muzzle against you, this is how he recognizes you as a member of his pack.

If a cat follows you with a tail and constantly gets under your feet, this indicates his affection. Make no mistake, he loves you very much.

Photo: Pixabay

If the cat stares into your eyes, looks at you with interest and blinks slowly, this should not alarm you. This behavior indicates affection and that the cat feels comfortable and safe with you.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How does a cat show trust
  2. How to understand that a cat needs attention
  3. How the cat says I love you