How to boil rice correctly so that it does not stick and not turned into a viscous porridge: Secrets of smart housewives

16.04.2022 19:15

The problem of many housewives is that not always after cooking rice it turns out delicious and crumbly.

Sometimes rice becomes slippery, merging and looks neappety. It has to "ennoble" sauces, gravy and vegetables.

Learn how to cook rice so that he remains crumbly

There are basic types of rice, which during cooking will be less viscous: steed, brown or long-grain. For cooking, the least fits round.

Figure you need to cook in a saucepan with a tight fited lid.

Some professionals are covered with a pan with a towel, and then covered with a lid.

Foto: Pixabay

By the end of cooking in the rice, add olive oil, spices to get the effect of individual grains.

Boil rice about 12 minutes after it turns out to be in water. Salt rice at the end, but much depends on the dish and sauces to it.

To get crumbly rice, cook it 3 minutes on a strong fire, 7 minutes - on average, the rest of the time is on weak.

Do not interfere with cooking rice, do not mix different rice varieties in the cooking process.

In order not to merge the finished rice, shifting it to another pan and put it in a cool place.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource