According to the unwritten laws, the housewives boil the whole beetroot, and those who try to cook it, having previously cut it into pieces, are looked at with slight bewilderment.
In this case, the root crop will lose the bulk of its juice and nutrients and will certainly turn out to be unsightly and not tasty.
However, this does not mean that beets need to be cooked only as a whole.
You can cook beets in this form, given a few nuances.
Firstly, for this, cut the vegetable in advance, for example, the night before, and left on a plate cut up so that a dry crust forms, due to which all the juice will remain inside.
Secondly, you will have to cook it in the microwave or oven, and preferably in a baking sleeve.
However, do not forget to make a couple of punctures in it so that steam comes out.
Thirdly, if you are going to do this in a microwave oven, then take glassware, do not cover and do not fill the beets with water, after which you can put the vegetable in the microwave.
At maximum power, cut beets can be ready in 3-5 minutes.