Potatoes that never stick to the pan: one simple life hack will help

22.03.2022 03:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 20:54

Who doesn't love roasting potatoes until golden brown and adding to it fresh herbs?

Even the aroma of this dish allows nobody to stay indifferent.

However, not everyone is able to cook potatoes perfectly.

Young housewives may complain that when frying, potato wedges stick to the pan and fall apart. This makes the dish less appetizing.

However, there is a way that will help you prepare not only a delicious, but also a aesthetic dinner.

Foto: Pixabay

The whole secret lies in the fact that the pan must be prepared before the vegetable is lowered onto it.

As you know, usually the pan is poured with vegetable oil, and then they start frying. However, before you pour in the oil, you need to sprinkle the dishes with salt.

The fact is that the spice will absorb excess moisture and the dish will turn out whole, crispy and golden. In addition, thanks to this method, oil will not spatter.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource