3 Flowers to Plant in August for Early Blooms Next Spring

01.08.2024 16:00

Some plants are winter-hardy and can be planted in late summer.


Snapdragon is an annual that can easily withstand winter cold.

You can sow this plant in late August and get flowers in May.

You can choose from a variety of colors.

You can also grow the plant indoors and transplant the seedlings 1.5 months before the first frost.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The root system should have time to develop by this time.


Nigella is a fast-growing annual that self-sows throughout the garden.

Seeds sown in August will quickly germinate and begin blooming in May of the following year.


This is also an annual that can be grown in August.

Sowing in late summer will give you colorful flowers in late spring or early summer.

You can also grow calendula in containers.

Seeds will germinate in 1-2 weeks at 70-75°F. Plants are cold tolerant and will bloom in the spring.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Snapdragon
  2. Nigella
  3. Calendula