3 small shrubs that will make a big statement in your garden: useful tips

27.06.2024 16:00

Small shrubs can add beauty to your garden without taking up much space.

What small shrubs can be grown in the garden

You can choose dwarf blue spruce.

The plant takes time to grow, but is fairly easy to care for.

Dwarf spruce is distinguished by its unusual blue needle color.

This will contrast beautifully with the other colors in your garden.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Thanks to its compact size, you can grow dwarf spruce virtually anywhere in your garden.

In addition, dwarf lime hydrangea can be a compact shrub for you.

The plant grows up to 5 feet tall.

Dwarf hydrangea is also distinguished by lush clusters of light green or lilac color.

In addition, this is a dried flower plant that continues to decorate your garden even in autumn.

You can also choose spirea as a compact shrub.

This shrub grows up to 3 feet tall and requires little care.

Additionally, spirea adds a splash of color to your garden throughout the growing season.

The shrub is drought tolerant and requires minimal pruning.

Previously, we told you which plants can be grown in shade and partial shade.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource