Carrots: How to Grow

01.02.2024 17:09
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Carrots are a vegetable that loves light, sandy soils containing a sufficient amount of nitrates.

On hard soils and with high acidity, the carrot harvest will not be successful and, at best, the fruits will be in the form of irregular shapes.

Where is the best place to plant carrots

Carrots need light to grow successfully, so choose sunny areas without shade.

When shaded, the yield decreases and the taste of the vegetable deteriorates.

The soil is prepared several weeks before sowing. Fertile, loose, slightly acidic and neutral soil is ideal for carrots.


How to feed carrots to make them large

An infusion of weeds - nettle, dandelion, burdock, wormwood - is suitable as an organic fertilizer.

Fill the container - for example, a large pan or barrel - with grass 2/3 and then fill it with water to the top.

Leave the infusion in the sun for 5-7 days to allow the herb to ferment, stirring occasionally.

What carrots don't like

Like any root vegetable, carrots do not like dense soils compacted after rain.

The root crop and its root system are in great need of oxygen, especially in the early stages of growth.

And in dense soils, oxygen penetration is difficult.

Therefore, do not be lazy and loosen the bed where the carrots grow.

Previously, we told you how to grow almonds.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where is the best place to plant carrots
  2. How to feed carrots to make them large
  3. What carrots don't like