Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Coconut

09.10.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The coconut tree can only be grown from its fruit.

Choose fresh fruits that have liquid and more fiber on the surface. Coconut has 3 holes, but germination usually occurs through only one.

First, soak the coconut in a bucket of water at room temperature for 3 days.

When does a coconut bear fruit

In cultivation, the tree begins to bear fruit at 7-9 years of age and continues for about 50 years.

One tree produces from 60 to 120 fruits annually.


Calorie content of coconuts: 100 g of coconuts contain on average about 364 kcal.

How do coconuts reproduce

Only such leaves can be removed from the tree.

The palm tree reproduces in two ways - from nuts and shoots.

Since only an adult palm produces daughter shoots, at home the main method, and, as a rule, the only method of propagation is by seed.

How to water a coconut

The frequency of watering depends on evaporation and water supply to the coconut substrate.

The general rule is one watering per day for the first few weeks under normal conditions, then 2 waterings per day, 2 hours after turning off the lamps and 2 hours before turning them on again.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When does a coconut bear fruit
  2. How do coconuts reproduce
  3. How to water a coconut