Get Ready for Fall Now: Helpful Tips for Gardeners

15.08.2024 16:00

Gardening requires special preparation for the onset of fall.

Preparing Your Garden for Fall

To prevent spoilage, pick fruits and vegetables when they are ripe. 

For tomatoes, choose those that are fully colored, and green ones can be picked and left to ripen indoors. 

Harvest beans before they become too tough. 

Zucchini should be picked while they are young to avoid them becoming too large and bitter. 

Photo: © Belnovosti

Eggplants should be harvested when the skin is shiny and the fruit is at its optimal size.

For a fall or winter harvest, sow spinach seeds directly into the ground. Plant Brussels sprouts for a winter crop. 

Lettuce and arugula can be sown for quick growth and a late harvest.

Prune and pinch plants to promote healthy growth and reduce the risk of disease.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource