The mole cricket is a dangerous insect for crop preservation.
In this article, we will tell you how to deal with the pest.
Mole cricket is a common garden pest. The insect lives mainly underground, making passages in the ground.
Therefore, the insect has a long life expectancy and it is not easy to breed.
You can fight mole crickets with strong-smelling plants.
For example, calendula, marigold, chrysanthemum.
These plants can be planted between rows.
The insect also cannot tolerate the smell of iodine.
The easiest way to use calendula is because the plant grows quickly and is unpretentious.
Sow the area with a lattice of longitudinal and transverse rows of calendula along the edges of the beds.
You can also dilute 50 g of solid soap and 3 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. washing powder.
In the morning, water mole cricket burrows with this soapy solution.
After a few hours, the insects will come to the surface.
Collect them and destroy them.
Previously, we told you what to put in the hole when planting tomatoes.