How to keep rabbits out of your garden: useful tips

29.06.2024 13:00

These tips will help you keep rabbits away from your garden.

Why are rabbits dangerous for the garden

There may be rabbits in your garden if seedlings are disappearing or plants are spoiled.

Rabbits can eat leaves, plant stems, berries and fruits, as well as chew on tree bark.

Animals especially love tender and young plants in the garden.

How to keep rabbits away from the garden

Photo: © Belnovosti

You can use natural repellents.

For example, rabbits do not like the smell of marigolds, onions, and garlic.

You can use repellents. Rabbits are repelled by the smell of predators' urine, hot peppers and garlic.

Plant guards can also be used. Install a fence around the garden or cover the plants with a net of any material.

The main thing is that rabbits cannot jump over the fence.

To scare away rabbits, you can use special water sprinklers, shiny objects, stuffed animals, and noise devices.

It is also important to remove weeds and debris from the garden on time.

Harvest in a timely manner so that animals do not have time to eat fruits and vegetables.

Previously, we told you how to grow cardinal flowers.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource