How to plant and care for figs: helpful tips

29.07.2024 16:00

You can grow a fig tree yourself.

How to plant a fig

Choose a sunny spot in the garden for planting a fig.

Plant the tree when it is dormant.

For example, in a warm region - in the fall, in colder regions - in the spring.

Do not plant the tree too close to the house, so as not to damage the foundation.

Photo: © Pixabay

How to care for a fig

Water the fig regularly and generously. In the summer, one watering per week is enough.

Reducing the amount of watering will allow you to grow sweeter fruits.

If you want to grow a larger tree, water it twice a week.

Fertilize the fig tree in the spring, when the buds open.

Feeding the tree at this time will provide it with nutrition throughout the growing season.

Experienced gardeners recommend using a balanced slow-release fertilizer.

It is also important to prune the fig tree at the beginning of the season.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to plant a fig
  2. How to care for a fig