Is it true that thuja should not be planted near the house, or is it a myth

24.03.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Thuja is a beautiful plant that will decorate your garden.

In the article we will talk about the features of cultivation.

Why you can’t plant thuja near your house

Thuja has a powerful root system that can destroy the foundation of a private house.

And then misfortune really cannot be avoided.

How to grow thuja

The plant loves light and at the same time becomes dehydrated from its excess.


Choose a bright area for the thuja, where there is no draft or direct sunlight.

Dig a hole for the tree, place fertilized soil at the bottom, dilute the main soil with peat and sand.

Place the root collar level with the ground so that the plant does not rot or dry out.

Water the young thuja regularly. You need a bucket of water once a week or spray more often in the morning or evening.

In May, thujas are also fed with folk remedies, for example, wood ash, infusion of weeds - nettle, dandelion, clover.

In summer, this is no longer recommended: an excess of substances in the soil negatively affects the appearance of the plant and impairs its resistance to frost during wintering.

Previously, we told you why cucumbers are bitter.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why you can’t plant thuja near your house
  2. How to grow thuja