Kiwi: How to Grow

10.02.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Kiwi prefers slightly acidic or neutral soil.

Therefore, it is not recommended to add ash and lime under it.

How much does kiwi grow at home

Flowering of kiwi grown by cuttings can be expected already 2-4 years after planting.

For comparison, kiwi grown from seeds blooms only in the 6th, 9th, or even 10th year.

Kiwi cuttings must include at least two or three buds - only in this case the plant will take root.


Kiwis need to be fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers of 200 grams per plant when planting seedlings.

Where is the best place to plant kiwi

It is very important to choose a sunny, cozy place for planting.

The more sun the kiwi gets, the tastier the fruit will be.

Nevertheless, if you planted seedlings in the sun, then in extreme heat, shade them in the first years so that they do not burn, use agrofibre.

Do I need to prune kiwi for the winter

Trimming. Pruning and shaping of trees is carried out in late autumn after the end of the fruiting period.

In this case, the strongest healthy shoots are left, and all the rest are removed.

Previously, we told you how to grow sea buckthorn.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How much does kiwi grow at home
  2. Where is the best place to plant kiwi
  3. Do I need to prune kiwi for the winter