Picking seedlings: Gardening advice

26.09.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Gardeners want their plants to be healthy, so why would they pick their seedlings and throw them away?

This process is called picking seedlings, and it can actually be pretty beneficial for your garden.

Let's find out why it's actually helpful.

Reduces Crowding

When you plant seeds, many tiny plants may sprout close together. Picking some out helps create space so the remaining ones have more room to grow.

Less Competition

With fewer seedlings, the plants won't have to fight each other for sunlight, water, and nutrients. This means they can grow stronger and healthier.


Better Growth

The chosen seedlings get more attention and care, leading to better growth and bigger, more fruitful plants in your garden.

Prevents Overcrowding

Without thinning (picking seedlings), plants can become too crowded, making it hard for them to develop properly and produce good fruits or flowers.

Healthier Garden

Overall, picking seedlings helps maintain a healthier and more productive garden, giving your plants a better chance to thrive and provide you with tasty vegetables or beautiful flowers.


If you think that you have too many seedlings, or they don't have enough space, then it's better to pick them - your garden will only benefit from it.

Or, if it's too hard for you to throw the seedlings away, you can always just transplant them somewhere else.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Reduces Crowding
  2. Less Competition
  3. Better Growth
  4. Prevents Overcrowding
  5. Healthier Garden
  6. Conclusion