A new study finds that people who have pets may sleep worse than those who don't, Fortune writes.
What pets are not suitable for the bedroom
You definitely shouldn’t keep a terrarium with snakes, spiders and crocodiles in your bedroom.
Of course, it is better to abstain from monitor lizards, pumas, lynxes, and meerkat, which are becoming increasingly popular among home breeders.

Why doesn't my cat let me sleep at night
The main reason for cat running around at night is that the pet gets bored during the day.
In order to conserve energy, cats sleep at times when they are not required to actively act.
If nothing interesting is happening around, if there is nothing to catch the animal’s attention, then it will rest.
How to get your dog to go to sleep
At first, if the puppy is overly anxious and does not want to be left alone, place his bed next to the bed where you sleep.
Go to bed together and put your hand down, let it calm the puppy.
Usually after 10 minutes he falls asleep.
It is forbidden to take an animal into bed to calm it down.