What Flowers Attract Bees to the Garden: Important Information

18.08.2024 06:00

Bees are important and beneficial insects for the garden, as they pollinate plants.

Why are bees so important

Bees play an important role in pollinating plants.

These insects carry pollen from one flower to another, which forms seeds and fruits.

This is how fruits, vegetables and even nuts are formed.

In addition, pollination plays an important role in the survival and development of plants.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It helps maintain the biodiversity of ecosystems.

The absence of bees would lead to a strong decrease in biodiversity.

What Flowers Do Bees Like

Bees play a key role in pollinating most of the crops we grow. 

Flowers provide them with the necessary food and habitat, which is especially important in the context of a declining population of these pollinators.

Insects and bees are attracted not only by scents, but also by colors. 

Blue, purple, white and yellow shades are especially attractive to bees, while red, pink and orange colors interest them less.

That's why bees love flowers like lupine, calendula, mallow, violets, roses, zinnias, sunflowers, dandelions and matthiola.

Melissa attracts beneficial insects with its aroma.

This plant constantly self-seeds, and bees love to spend time on its flowers.

Honey plants play an important role in attracting bees and other pollinators. 

Among them are basil, catnip, mint, borage, oregano, rapeseed, rosemary, salvia, fennel and sage.

These plants not only decorate the garden with their aromas and flowers, but also provide bees with the necessary nectar and pollen, contributing to their survival and prosperity.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why are bees so important
  2. What Flowers Do Bees Like