Why dill turns yellow and outgrows: a common mistake gardeners make

13.05.2024 21:26

Dill often turns yellow in the garden.

In this article, we will tell you what you can do about it.

Why does dill turn yellow

Dill greens tend to be yellower if the plant is growing in the wrong place in the garden.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend sowing dill in shaded areas of your garden.

Dill needs sunlight for normal growth and development.


In addition, a yellowing plant may indicate that your garden has acidic soil.

If the dill leaves are red, this means that the soil, on the contrary, is alkaline.

To deoxidize the soil, you need to scatter the ash.

Also, make sure to water the plant during drought or rain. Watering should be moderate.

If the plant is lethargic and the leaves are curled into a tube, these are signs of insufficient moisture.

How to water dill to make it green

Prepare a container, fill it a quarter with chopped nettles and dandelions.

Fill the plants with water, leave to infuse for 3 days and stir the mixture periodically.

Apply fertilizer between rows.

After such watering, dill will quickly grow green mass and have a good taste and aroma.

Previously, we told you why lettuce grows bitter.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why does dill turn yellow
  2. How to water dill to make it green