With which zucchini are friends in a garden: what can be planted next to, and what can not

25.04.2022 21:15

Experienced gardeners have long known the influence of some crops on others, so zucchini, like other vegetables, it is advisable not to grow next to certain crops that prevent them from growing.

There are quite a lot of crops incompatible with zucchini.

Cucumbers feel bad next to zucchini. 

Next to «close relatives», pumpkins and squash, it is also not advised to grow zucchini.

Vegetables can be over-pollinated and there will be no rich harvest.

Foto: Pixabay

Among those crops that can be planted next to zucchini are onions, garlic, legumes, tomatoes, radishes and beets.

Legumes saturate the soil with nitrogen, which is needed by zucchini.

Black radish emit volatile substances that repel pests.

Tomatoes protect melons from aphids, fireflies and sawflies.

Sunflower and corn will also become good neighbors for zucchini.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource