Surely, many of us, when dealing with toothpaste, paid attention to a curious detail - multi-colored stripes on tubes.
What are they needed for?
Some think it's for beauty. And they are wrong. Others believe that the strips are something of an indicator of the amount of "chemistry" in the paste.
For example, a black stripe means that the paste is completely laced with chemicals, while a green stripe supposedly indicates no chemicals at all.
Others believe that the color bands indicate recommendations for the regularity of the use of the product.
They say: a black stripe - you should brush your teeth with such a paste no more than once a week.
Blue strip - no more than three times a week, and green - you can apply the paste daily.
In fact, none of the above is true. If only because the manufacturer is not interested in declaring the full chemical composition of the product.
Moreover, how many manufacturers do you know who deliberately label their products in black, knowing that by doing so they can scare away buyers?
The stripes on the tubes of paste are actually technological markings. No hidden meaning.
In the manufacture (in our case, labeling) of the paste, the automatic printing device, using stripes, aligns the image of the label when it is applied to the tube blank.
However, why aren't the colors the same? The answer is also quite simple and logical: the specific color depends on the overall package design.
The printing machine needs to recognize the stripe, so it must stand out - be as contrasting as possible in comparison with the general color background of the label.
For example, on a tube of the well-known Colgate paste, blue letters stand out against a red and white background. The line here, what do you think? That's right, blue.
However, Splat has green letters on a white background. The stripe on the packaging is green.
Any paste in a white package with black letters has a black stripe on the tube - regardless of who made it and what its composition is.
Thus, when buying toothpaste, you do not need to make a hasty choice in favor of a product with a green stripe.
Remember: stripes on toothpaste packages are not indicators of the naturality of the product. First, pay attention to the composition of the paste, which should be indicated on the label.