History of wallpapers: Learn more about interior design

13.11.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Even the most ordinary interior details have their history, and sometimes it's way older and more exciting than you might think.

For instance, wallpapers are actually very old, and they have a long history and diverse origins.

Let's find out more about how they were invented and used.

Long Ago

Way back, people used to decorate their walls with things like tapestries or hand-painted designs. 

But it was a lot of work, and not everyone could afford it.


Enter Wallpaper

In the 16th century, someone had a clever idea. They started hanging decorated paper on the walls, kind of like a giant, fancy poster. 

This was the early beginning of wallpaper.

Chinese Influence

The Chinese were onto something similar even earlier. They were making decorated paper by hand as far back as the 10th century.

Europe Catches On

The idea of wallpaper spread to Europe, and by the 18th century, it became quite popular. 

People loved how it could quickly add style and color to their homes.

Printed Patterns

In the 19th century, technology improved, and wallpaper started being mass-produced with cool patterns. 

Now, more folks could afford to give their walls a makeover.

Victorian Flair

During the Victorian era (19th century), wallpapers became super fancy. Intricate patterns, bold colors, and even textures were all the rage.

Rolls, Not Sheets

Instead of hanging wallpaper in big sheets, they started selling it in rolls. This made it easier to handle and put up on walls.

20th Century Trends

Wallpaper styles changed with the times. 

In the 1950s and 60s, bright and bold patterns were popular, while the 70s saw funky and psychedelic designs.

Temporary Wallpapers

In recent years, peel-and-stick wallpapers became a thing. 

They're like giant stickers for your walls, making it easy to change the look without a major commitment.

Today's Options

Nowadays, there are endless wallpaper choices. 

From classic patterns to custom designs, people use wallpaper to express their style and make their homes unique.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Long Ago
  2. Enter Wallpaper
  3. Chinese Influence
  4. Europe Catches On
  5. Printed Patterns
  6. Victorian Flair
  7. Rolls, Not Sheets
  8. 20th Century Trends
  9. Temporary Wallpapers
  10. Today's Options