How wall texture changes the room: Interior tips

17.11.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

It's not just about wall colors or patterns - wall texture can also affect the way your room looks.

Different textures reflect light differently, allowing people to create various creative designs and effects.

Here's how you can use texture to change your room.

Visual Interest

Different textures on the walls catch your eye. It's like adding patterns to a plain shirt. It makes the room more interesting to look at.

Touch and Feel

Imagine running your fingers over a smooth wall versus a rough one. The texture you choose affects how the walls feel. 


It's like picking between a soft blanket and a bumpy one.

Cozy or Cool

Soft textures, like wallpaper with a fabric feel, can make a room cozy. Harder textures, like brick walls, can make it feel cooler. 

It's like choosing between warm and cool colors for your room.

Hiding Imperfections

Some textures are like magic tricks; they can hide little bumps or cracks on the wall. It's like putting makeup on to cover small flaws.

Sound Effects

Textured walls can absorb or bounce back sound. Imagine singing in the shower; the tiles affect how your voice sounds. 

Textures do the same for the sounds in a room.

Light and Shadow

Light plays with textures, creating shadows and highlights. It's like the sun shining on waves in the water. 

The play of light and shadow adds depth to the walls.

Style Statement

Certain textures match different styles. Smooth walls might go well with a modern look, while a stucco texture could fit a more rustic style. 

It's like picking clothes that match your style.

Easy to Clean or Not

Smooth walls are usually easy to clean, like wiping a table. Textured walls might trap dust in their nooks and crannies. 

It's like choosing furniture that's easy or a bit tricky to clean.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Visual Interest
  2. Touch and Feel
  3. Cozy or Cool
  4. Hiding Imperfections
  5. Sound Effects
  6. Light and Shadow
  7. Style Statement
  8. Easy to Clean or Not