Palo Santo: What is it

10.11.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Palo santo - the name translates as "Sacred Forest" - is a tree native to Peru, South America.

Local residents set fire to chips of this tree during traditional folk ceremonies: they believe that this can cleanse the space of evil spirits and negative energy.

What is palo santo incense used for

It also has a very characteristic resinous smell. It reminds us a little of warm incense.

Palo Santo is used to fumigate rooms, to ground and prepare for meditation, to relieve stress and calm the mind.

Its smoke creates a special atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the house.


What do palo santo sticks smell like

The incense exudes sweet wood, refreshing citrus and light smoke.

You can also smell the characteristic smell of mint and pine.

Palo Santo is refreshing, woody and spicy at the same time.

Palo Santo wooden logs also repel insects with their aroma.

How long should palo santo burn

Allow the edge of the bar to burn evenly - this usually takes 20-40 seconds.

Then blow out the stick - it will smolder for several more hours.

You can move the steaming palo santo around yourself or in the space around you to clear energy or fill the room with a woody aroma.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is palo santo incense used for
  2. What do palo santo sticks smell like
  3. How long should palo santo burn