Dusting tips: Cleaning hard-to-reach areas

21.01.2024 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Dusting can be a pretty annoying household chore, especially when you have to clean some hard-to-reach areas.

While it might be easy to clean flat surfaces, it might be way harder when it comes to areas under your furniture, cupboards, or upper shelves.

Here are a few tips that might make it easier for you.

Use a Long-Handled Duster

Get a duster with a long handle. This helps you reach high places like ceiling corners or the tops of shelves without needing a stool.

Microfiber Cloth with Tongs

Wrap a microfiber cloth around a pair of kitchen tongs. This makeshift tool can reach narrow spaces, and the cloth traps the dust.


Old Socks or Gloves

Put old socks on your hands or wear gloves. Wipe surfaces with your hands to get into tight spots. You can also use this method for blinds.

Vacuum Cleaner Attachments

Many vacuum cleaners come with various attachments. 

Use the crevice tool or a small brush attachment to reach dust in corners, vents, or between cushions.

Flexible Dusting Wand

Invest in a flexible dusting wand. It can bend and adjust to different angles, making it easier to clean behind furniture or appliances.

Compressed Air Can

For electronics or intricate items, use a can of compressed air. It blows away dust from keyboards, computer parts, or other delicate surfaces.

Lint Rollers

Lint rollers aren't just for clothes. They work well on flat surfaces, like lampshades or fabric-covered furniture.

Feather Duster or Paintbrush

A feather duster or paintbrush is handy for delicate items or intricate decor. Gently brush away the dust.

Extendable Wand

An extendable wand or rod helps when cleaning high or low areas. Attach a cloth or duster to the end and swipe across surfaces.

Furniture Polish and Cloth

For wooden furniture, use a furniture polish and a soft cloth. This not only removes dust but also adds a shine.

Rolling Furniture Away

If possible, move furniture to clean behind and underneath. Dust tends to accumulate in these hidden spaces.

Previously, we talked about dishwasher smelling bad.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Use a Long-Handled Duster
  2. Microfiber Cloth with Tongs
  3. Old Socks or Gloves
  4. Vacuum Cleaner Attachments
  5. Flexible Dusting Wand
  6. Compressed Air Can
  7. Lint Rollers
  8. Feather Duster or Paintbrush
  9. Extendable Wand
  10. Furniture Polish and Cloth
  11. Rolling Furniture Away