Good to Know: How Dogs Affect House Cleanliness

31.01.2024 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The most effective are products based on enzyme complexes and disinfectant components.

In addition to antibacterial substances, they contain enzymes.

How to keep your dog's area clean

Usually owners solve this problem in three common ways: they wipe their paws with a cloth, wash their paws in a basin, or simply leave the dog to “dry” after a walk in the hallway, and after all the dirt has “fallen off” the dog, they are allowed into the house.

How to clean a carpet

Table vinegar and baking soda. Wait 15 minutes until the mixture is absorbed into the pile.

Spray again and wait 20 minutes, then remove excess liquid with a rag or paper towel.


Sprinkle the dried pile with a thick layer of soda, and after it dries and forms a crust, vacuum the carpet.

How to Clean Carpet Using Baking Soda

For 2 liters of water, take 2-3 tablespoons of soda or grated laundry soap.

Use a sponge dipped in the solution to treat stains or the entire surface.

Be sure to first clean the pile from wool and dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Leave the solution for 15 minutes, then wipe the carpet with a clean cloth moistened with water.

How to wash floors to prevent dog odor

Use a mild pet-safe detergent and add vinegar, oxygen bleach, or an enzymatic cleaner to neutralize odors and remove stains.

How to reduce dog hair

Constantly brushing and brushing your pet, using a humidifier indoors, and, if necessary, dressing your pet in indoor clothing can significantly reduce the amount of hair in the home.

Previously, we talked about the dangers of dust in the house for health.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to keep your dog's area clean
  2. How to clean a carpet
  3. How to Clean Carpet Using Baking Soda
  4. How to wash floors to prevent dog odor
  5. How to reduce dog hair