How to quickly and effectively remove shards of broken glass: no vacuum cleaner needed - go to the kitchen

05.05.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:20

Cleaning up broken glass in your home is not safe.

In this article, we will tell you how you can do this safely and quickly.

How to properly clean up broken glass in your home

To effectively remove small debris from any surface, a paper towel soaked in water will do.

To do this, blot a paper towel into the area of the splinters.

This method will help collect small glass particles.


You can also use thick rubber gloves when cleaning glass to avoid injuring your hands.

Scotch tape can also be used to remove small glass debris from the floor.

Cut the tape into small strips and wrap it around your hand so that the sticky side is on the outside.

Then carefully pick up the pieces. For safety reasons, to avoid injuring your hands, you can first put on gloves.

This method is also suitable for small glass fragments.

Is it possible to collect glass shards with a vacuum cleaner

Experts do not recommend cleaning up broken glass with a vacuum cleaner.

The fact is that glass can easily tear the fabric dust collector inside the equipment and are stuck.

In vacuum cleaners without a dust bag, glass shards and particles can damage internal components, which can lead to damage to household appliances.

Larger pieces may become stuck in the pipe and cause operational problems.

It is best to use rubber gloves to collect large fragments.

How to properly dispose of broken glass

First, collect all large glass with gloved hands and small glass with a damp paper towel or sheets of newspaper.

Collect all the fragments on a piece of paper.

Then roll the sheets carefully so as not to injure your hands, put the glass in a bag or bag and throw it in the trash.

Previously, we told you how to clean rust from a knife.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to properly clean up broken glass in your home
  2. Is it possible to collect glass shards with a vacuum cleaner
  3. How to properly dispose of broken glass