Useful Tips: How and What to Paint Wood

20.12.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Use alkyd, oil, alkyd-oil compositions.

Alkyd and water-based paints are suitable for painting wood with your own hands indoors, since they are environmentally friendly, have a low odor and dry quickly.

Is it possible to apply paint to wood without a primer

A primer for wood is needed at a minimum because the surface of the wood is completely heterogeneous: the paint will be absorbed differently, forming “gaps” in places.

In addition, a good primer forms a protective film on the surface, which prevents tannins from penetrating the surface.

How to paint wood so that the structure is visible

If you want to preserve the structure of the wood, translucent wood paint for interior work - varnishes - is suitable.


By covering the lining with this paint, you can give it any tone, and make it, for example, look like larch, while the structure of the tree will be visible.

What paint goes best on wood

For such a delicate material, you should select appropriate paints, namely: moisture-resistant, elastic, as well as those compositions that have high adhesion to wood.

The best option for wood is acrylic paint, since the material is endowed with wear-resistant function, breathes and repels moisture.

Previously, we told you how to choose paint for walls.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to apply paint to wood without a primer
  2. How to paint wood so that the structure is visible
  3. What paint goes best on wood

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