Sesame seeds have a nutty aroma and a neutral, nutty taste. Black sesame seeds have a more pronounced taste and aroma.
Black sesame strengthens the nail structure, speeds up metabolism, is a natural antioxidant and fights free radicals that accelerate aging.
Black sesame is used for hair care. The oil from the seeds strengthens them. But, despite the large number of beneficial properties, black sesame also has contraindications.
The product helps slow down the aging process, normalize metabolism, prevents the development of cancer, and promotes gentle weight loss.
It gives the body energy, lowers cholesterol, and has a beneficial effect on digestion.
The product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
It is considered optimal to consume no more than 3 teaspoons of sesame seeds per day.
Black sesame has 17 (!) times more calcium than white sesame, 2 times more iron and 3 times more copper.
In addition, this despite the fact that even white sesame seeds can easily fill your daily calcium requirement.
It is advisable to add black sesame to the diet as often as possible as a good plant source of calcium and iron.