Health Benefits of Laughter According to Psychologists

17.08.2024 07:00

Laughter is good for mental and even physical health.

Laughter has a positive effect on health, promoting the development of creativity and improving problem-solving skills.

Laughter activates the limbic system of the brain, providing interaction between the left and right hemispheres.

In addition, laughter improves the saturation of blood and tissues with oxygen, stimulates the cardiovascular system and lungs, strengthens the abdominal muscles and reduces nervous tension.

Research shows that joyful laughter can lower blood pressure, which makes laughter therapy useful for people with hypertension.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Laughter also strengthens the immune system, improves mood, reduces pain and protects against stress.

Nothing helps restore balance to the mind and body faster than cheerful laughter.

Humor instills hope, brings people together and helps get rid of anger faster.

When you laugh, the brain produces endorphin, known as the hormone of happiness, which is responsible for a good mood and allows you to enjoy life.

It helps to fight stress and reduce anxiety. It is the easiest and most inexpensive way to relax and feel more joyful and happy.

Therefore, you can see your friends more often, watch comedies or stand-ups.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource