Psychologist's Explanation: What is Derealization

27.08.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23


Derealization is a painful experience of the change in the surrounding world: everything around has changed in an incomprehensible way, has become “alien”, “not the same as before”, “unreal”, “artificial”, “ghostly”, as if “everything is just a dream” or “exists in the imagination ".

How to understand that I have Derealization

Derealization is a feeling of detachment or unreality of the surrounding world. People experiencing derealization think they are in a dream or watching a movie. There is a feeling as if there is a glass wall between them and others, which does not let emotions through, and the world seems two-dimensional, vague.

What can cause derealization

The development of derealization is influenced by conditions such as post-traumatic and acute stress disorders. Frustration.

Periodic suppression of one's own feelings, emotions, desires, awareness of impotence in achieving goals provokes the development of a derealization syndrome.

How long does a derealization attack last

Most often, the disorder is initiated in early childhood and adolescence, very rarely after 25 years. A person with a syndrome of depersonalization-derealization eventually moves away from loved ones. The state of depersonalization can last from a few minutes to several years.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to understand that I have Derealization
  2. What can cause derealization
  3. How long does a derealization attack last