You can't be productive all the time: How workers lose their productivity before weekend

04.08.2023 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to concentrate on work in Fridays?

Researchers at Texas A&M University conducted a study showing objective evidence that employees are less active and more prone to mistakes on Friday afternoons, representing the lowest point of worker productivity. 

Let's find out more!

More about the research

The study used computer usage metrics, such as typing speed, errors, and mouse activity, to gather noninvasive data on work patterns. 

The analysis of 789 in-office employees at a large energy company in Texas over two years revealed that computer use increased during the week and dropped significantly on Fridays. 


Additionally, computer use decreased every afternoon, particularly on Friday afternoons. 

What can we do with that information?

The researchers suggest that flexible work arrangements, such as hybrid work or a four-day workweek, could lead to happier and more productive employees. 

These arrangements have been associated with reduced stress, improved job satisfaction, and potential reductions in electricity use and carbon emissions. 

Overall, the study's findings can help business leaders optimize work performance and workplace sustainability.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. More about the research
  2. What can we do with that information?