Anteaters live in Central and South America, with the exception of the tamandua, whose range in the north ends with southern Colombia.
Interesting facts about anteaters
Anteaters of all species are most active at dusk, but can stay awake around the clock.
They lead a solitary lifestyle and form a family unit only during the mating season.

At the same time, the male helps the female take care of the offspring: he carries the cub on his back and participates in its upbringing.
The claws on the front toes are long and sharp (up to 10 cm in the giant M.), while those on the hind toes are short.
The tongue can extend up to 60 cm and is moistened with sticky saliva; serves as a catching organ.
Brazilian zoologists have shared fresh photographs of a giant albino anteater named Alvinho.
You can see them on the Anteaters and Highways Project Facebook page.
Why anteaters are not safe
Anteaters seem at first glance to be harmless creatures, but in case of danger they can fend for themselves.
Therefore, for protection, the anteater stands on its hind legs and puts its front legs in front of itself, showing its readiness to hit any offender with its powerful and sharp claws.
Previously, we talked about tigers.