Antelope: Interesting Facts – Amazing Nature

13.05.2024 21:21

Lives in Africa and southern Asia. They live in herds. They feed on herbaceous vegetation, less often tree leaves.

There are several groups of A., some of them are closer in origin to bulls, others to goats and rams.

How many types of antelope

No one even knows exactly how many species of antelope there are.


There are about a hundred of them in total - different zoologists offer different classification systems.

Most antelopes live in Africa. It is interesting that the largest antelope in the world, the eland, and the smallest, the dik-dik, live on this continent.

Where do antelopes sleep

During the day they sleep in shaded shelters. These antelopes can be hunted by lions, birds of prey, snakes and other carnivores.

To escape from predators, Suni hide in dry grass, which is facilitated by their protective coloring.

Why do antelopes migrate

Because antelopes migrate to places where the grass is greener and tastier, and thereby escape from drought.

On the border between Kenya and Tanzania is just such a place where the grass matures at different rates due to the climate, and if you walk back and forth, there will always be enough food.

Previously, we talked about the rarest species of birds.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How many types of antelope
  2. Where do antelopes sleep
  3. Why do antelopes migrate