Can a dog forget learned commands: reasons and what to do about it

20.04.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Commands are an important component of dog training.

In this article, we will tell you whether animals forget commands.

Can a dog forget commands

If the dog does not repeat a certain command for a long time, the animal may forget how to perform it.

In addition, various factors can negatively affect the execution of commands.

For example, distracting sounds, movements, smells, other animals.


These factors can distract your pet and make it difficult for him to concentrate on what you are saying.

Sometimes a dog can be so overwhelmed by a new environment that it momentarily forgets its manners and training.

Animals may even refuse to eat due to stress.

What to do if your dog forgets commands

If your dog pretends not to hear the command, punish it immediately.

Nevertheless, do not overtire your pet during training and do not overload it with various commands.

If you allow the command to be ignored at least a couple of times, disobedience is guaranteed.

To keep your dog from forgetting commands, it is important to practice them regularly and constantly.

This way, your pet will not forget what you taught.

Previously, we talked about how to properly punish a dog.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Can a dog forget commands
  2. What to do if your dog forgets commands