Cats and dogs living together: Pet owner's tips

09.11.2023 01:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you want to get a cat and a dog as pets, then you should make efforts to prevent them from fighting.

While cats and dogs don't always fight, it happens, so you should train both pets to tolerate each other well.

Here are some tips on how to do that.


Choose the Right Breeds and Ages

Some dog and cat breeds are more likely to get along, but it's not a guarantee. Research breeds known for their compatibility with other animals. 

Also, consider the age of the pets – puppies and kittens tend to adapt more easily to new housemates.

Controlled Face-to-Face Meeting

When you decide it's time for them to meet in person, keep the dog on a leash and let the cat come and go as it pleases. 

This helps both pets feel safe and in control.

Safe Spaces for the Cat

Cats need places where they can retreat if they feel overwhelmed. 

Provide high-up spaces, hiding spots, and cat trees where the cat can escape if needed.

Basic Training for the Dog

Teach your dog basic commands like "sit," "stay," and "leave it." This will help you have more control over their behavior around the cat.

Supervised Interactions

Initially, always supervise their interactions. This ensures their safety and allows you to intervene if there's any tension.

Separate Feeding Areas

Feed the cat and dog in different areas to prevent any food-related competition or aggression. 

This minimizes the chances of conflicts during meal times.

Gradual Increase in Interaction Time

Slowly increase the time they spend together as they become more comfortable with each other. Gradually, they'll learn to coexist peacefully.

Individual Attention and Resources

Ensure both pets receive individual attention, playtime, and affection. 

Each pet should have their own toys, food, and water bowls to prevent jealousy and rivalry.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose the Right Breeds and Ages
  2. Controlled Face-to-Face Meeting
  3. Safe Spaces for the Cat
  4. Basic Training for the Dog
  5. Supervised Interactions
  6. Separate Feeding Areas
  7. Gradual Increase in Interaction Time
  8. Individual Attention and Resources